My name is Justyna.
I’m an artist, creative facilitator and change agent.

My journey towards art

My journey towards art has been exciting, but not straightforward. For more than 15 years I have been an academic teacher, researcher and a creative consultant working with design methods in business. I have a master’s degree in marketing and a PhD and design management. I started with business that led me to design, to finally discover art.

My biggest WHY

My biggest WHY is to inspire people to live more meaningfully. Art has become a self-development journey for me. It helped me find meaning and passion that now I can share with you. My dream is to inspire people to live more meaningfully, creatively and with more courage.

Art has changed my life, I can help you change yours.

Current exhibitions:

  • Villa Gertrud, Kolding – permanent exhibition

Past exhibitions:

  • NordVest Ølbar, Copenhagen, Denmark (January-April 2024)
  • Vielgut studio, Kolding, Denmark (June-December 2022)
  • Kolding Kommune’s Social- og sundhedsforvaltning, Kolding (December 2022)
  • Den Gamle Posthuset, Kolding, Denmark (September-December 2022)
  • Bæredygtighedshuset (November 2022), Kolding, Denmark
  • Vielgut studio Pop-up store (August- December 2021), Kolding, Denmark
  • Nordic Dream collection (December 2020 – January 2021), Galleri Sønderborg, Denmark
  • Artists of the Year 2020 exhibition (June – August 2020), Kolding Storcenter, Denmark

Contact me if you are interested in exhibiting my art.

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