Croquis – sensing the feelings
Croquis in French means ‘a sketch’. It is a quick and sketchy drawing of a live model. Model is changing poses very often; poses are from 10 seconds (yes, 10 seconds!) up to 4/5 minutes.
To me, my croquis drawings are a form of a personal freedom. I grew up in a culture where nudity was something to be avoided; something shameful and sinful. I was liberated from it with art. My drawings represent the vulnerability, courage and beauty of each and every one of us.
Croquis is not about representing reality, but sensing and expressing feelings, movement, lines, sensuality..

21 days of femininity
In March 2021 I created a „21 days of Femininity” project on my Instagram, using a hashtag #21daysoffemininity . I created 21 different artworks connected with the topic of femininity. In this project I wanted to celebrate vulnerability, courage and beauty of each and every one of us.

“When you start to develop your powers of empathy and imagination, the whole world opens up to you”.
Susan Sarandon

Recently I also started working with masculinity. How to express male energy? How to show power, but also vulnerability and conflicting emotions…? New ways still to explore..