A weekend pastel course for beginners
Hvis du kan lide mine pasteltegninger og ville ønske, at du kunne male dem selv – så har jeg noget for dig!
Jeg har forberedt et kursus, hvor du vil blive introduceret til de grundlæggende teknikker, stilarter og former for pastelmaleri. Jeg har designet kurset således, at selv en person, der aldrig har tegnet før, kan gå hjem med helt egne kunstværker! Jeg blev forelsket i pasteller for længe siden.
About the workshop
At the workshop we will explore endless possibilities of working with pastels. I have also prepared short mini-lessons, that will guide you through colors, techniques, compositions and good photo reference. I will also do demonstration lessons, where I will paint “live” for you. I have prepared various exercises to get you started and kick the fear of the blank side away!
Agenda. Day 1:
- Introduction: Basic of working with pastels
- Warm-up excerise: testing different techniques
- Basic of the composition, demonstration lessons from Justyna
- First pastel landscape: individual exercise
- Sharing reflections and learnings, closing the day
Agenda. Day 2:
- Reflections and setting goals for the day
- Demonstration lessons from Justyna
- Individual projects guided by Justyna
- Closing the workshop: sharing reflections, learnings, next steps
Due to a limited number of participants, I can guide everyone and help every person at the place where they are. We end the course with a big celebration, where we will admire your works of art, discuss the process and summarize learnings.
Jeg garanterer, at du kommer hjem med færdige malerier, du kan lægge på din væg. Men vigtigst af alt kan du gå hjem og dele en historie om en nyopdaget kunstner inden i dig!
At the workshop we will focus on landscape painting. You can use my reference photos, you are also welcome to bring your own reference materials.
Every artist was first an amateur
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Next workshop:
Join my email list to receive updates about my next workshop.
If you wish to book me for a workshop in your organization, write me an email.